Die derde veiling van die 2024 winterseisoen het op 1 Oktober 2024 in Port Elizabeth plaasgevind, met 165 525kg op aanbod, waarvan 89% van die hand gesit is. Nog ‘n groot hoeveelheid bokhaar is vandag aangebied, wat bestaan het uit goeie kwaliteit skeersels waarvan 85% RMS gesertifiseerd was. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Rand het 3% sterker teenoor die Amerikaanse dollar verhandel vergeleke met die vorige veiling wat afwaartse druk op vandag se sybokhaarmark geplaas het. Nie alle kopershuise was aktief tydens die veiling nie. Die gemiddelde mark aanwyser het met 2% gedaal in vergelyking met die vorige veiling om te sluit op R332.69/kg.
Die hoogste Bin prys op OVK en openbare veiling:
OVK bins behaal weereens die hoogste bin pryse op openbare veiling. Twee OVK bins het verkoop vir R700/kg. Die produsente in hierdie twee bins was: Die SCB Trust, JA Rich, JJ Steenkamp, JG Visser, DJ Lategan, Blakeridge (PTY) LTD, AJ Marais, DJ van de Vyver en CM Fletcher Farming Trust. Die koper was VBC.
Die hoogste Produsente baal op die OVK veiling:
Die hoogste produsente baal op die OVK veiling was ‘n baal BSFFK van Die Jay Oelofse Familie Trust wat verkoop het vir R681/kg. Die koper was Stucken & Co. OVK is trots op ons produsente en waardeer hul lojale ondersteuning.
Die vierde veiling van die 2024 winterseisoen vind plaas op 22 Oktober 2024. Pryse behoort steeds onder druk te wees. So berig Gerrit van Heerden, Bokhaar Bestuurder. Kontak hom by 082 854 8604.
OVK bied voorskotte op vesel wat by ons gelewer word, asook produksielenings. Skakel gerus die OVK Veselkantoor in Port Elizabeth of u Tegniese Veldbeampte vir meer inligting. Vind ook meer uit oor die opwindende nuwe kommissiestruktuur op vesel bemark deur OVK. Produsente word ook herinner aan die lojaliteitskema van OVK, waar boere beloon word met 35 sent vir elke kilogram vesel wat deur OVK bemark word.
The third sale of the 2024 winter season took place in Port Elizabeth on 1 October 2024, with 165 525 kg on offer of which 89% was sold. Another large quantity of mohair was offered today, which consisted of good quality clips of which 85% was RMS certified. The South African Rand traded 3% stronger against the US dollar compared to the previous sale which put downward pressure on today’s mohair market. Not all buying houses were active during the sale. The average market indicator closed on R 332.69/kg which is 2% lower than the previous sale.
Highest Bin Price at OVK and Public Auction:
OVK bins once again achieved the highest bin prices at the public auction. Two OVK bins sold for R700/kg. The producers associated with these two bins were: The SCB Trust, JA Rich, JJ Steenkamp, JG Visser, DJ Lategan, Blakeridge (PTY) LTD, AJ Marais, DJ van de Vyver, and CM Fletcher Farming Trust. The buyer was VBC.
Highest Producer Bale at the OVK Auction:
The highest producer bale at the OVK auction was a bale BSFFK of The Jay Oelofse Family Trust, which sold for R681/kg. The buyer was Stucken & Co. OVK is proud of our producers and appreciates their loyal support.
The fourth auction of the 2024 winter season will take place on October 22, 2024. Prices are expected to remain under pressure. So reports Gerrit van Heerden, Mohair Manager. Contact him on 082 854 8604.
OVK offer advances on fibre delivered in PE, as well as production loans. Please contact OVK Fibre’s office in Port Elizabeth or your Technical Field Officer for more information. Please enquire about OVK’s exciting new commission structure on fibre marketed by OVK. Producers must also bear in mind that OVK’s loyalty scheme awards farmers 35 cents per kilogram on fibre marketed by OVK.