geplaas op Vr., 10 Mrt. 2023

Die tweede Sybokhaar Veiling van die Somer 2023 seisoen het die verwagtinge oortref!!


Die tweede veiling van die 2023 Somer Sybokhaar seisoen het plaas gevind in Port Elizabeth op 6 en 7 Maart 2023, met 192 104 kg op aanbod waarvan 97% verkoop is. Die aanbod het uit goeie individuele skeersels bestaan, wat gelei het tot goeie kompetisie tussen kopers huise.  86% van die aanbod was RMS gesertifiseer. Die swakker SA geld eenheid en goeie aanvraag na sybokhaar is die vernaamste faktore vir die styging. Die Nasionale Markaanwyser het met 4% gestyg en het gesluit op R379.70/kg. Kleinbokkie-en jong bokhaar styg met 3%. Fyn groot bokhaar styg met 5% en sterk groot bokhaar styg met 4%.  OVK se veilings gemiddeld van R388.29/kg is hoër as die Nasionale gemiddeld en baie goeie veilings resultate is verkry. Die veiling het verskillende hoogte punte opgelewer met twee OVK bins wat verkoop het R740/kg. Die hoogste algehele bin prys vir die veiling is behaal deur ‘n OVK bin baal wat verkoop het vir R782/kg. Die produsente in die lot was: LPG Reynolds, Rietfontein Reds Pty Ltd, AJ de Jager en New Years Drift Enterprises Pty Ltd. Die goeie kwaliteit produsente bale wat deur OVK aangebied was het hul eie hoogte punte opgelewer met ‘n kleinbokkie baal van  DH Schoeman van De Rust wat verkoop het vir R749.50/kg. Dit was opgevolg deur WC Strydom van Willowmore wat ‘n baal kleinbokkiehaar verkoop het vir R760/kg. Die hoogste prys op algehele veiling is behaal deur WC Strydom van Willowmore met ‘n uitskieter kleinbokkie baal BSFFK van 23 mikron met goeie lengte, styl en karakter wat verkoop is vir R800.30/kg en die koper was VBC. OVK wil graag ons produsente bedank vir die goeie kwaliteit aanbieding op die veiling en waardeer hul lojale ondersteuning. SAAM BEREIK ONS MEER!


Die derde veiling van die 2023 Somer Sybokhaar seisoen vind plaas op 20 Maart 2023 en sybokhaar behoort op dieselfde vlakke te verhandel. So berig Gerrit van Heerden, Sybokhaarbestuurder. 082 854 8604.

OVK bied voorskotte op vesel wat by ons gelewer word, asook produksielenings.  Skakel gerus die OVK Veselkantoor in Port Elizabeth of u Tegniese Veldbeampte vir meer inligting. Vind ook meer uit oor die opwindende nuwe kommissiestruktuur op vesel bemark deur OVK. Produsente word ook herinner aan die lojaliteitskema van OVK, waar boere beloon word met 32 sent vir elke kilogram vesel wat deur OVK bemark word.



The second auction of the 2023 Summer Mohair season took place in Port Elizabeth on 6 and 7 March 2023, with 192 104 kg on offer of which 97% were sold. The offering consisted of good individual clips, which led to good competition between buyers’ houses. 86% of the offering was RMS certified. The weaker SA currency and good demand for mohair are the main factors for the increase in prices. The National Market Indicator increased by 4% and closed at R379.70/kg. Kid- and young goat mohair increased by 3%. Fine adult mohair increased by 5% and strong adult mohair increases by 4%. OVK's auction average of R388.29/kg is higher than the National average and very good auction results were achieved. The auction produced different highlights with two OVK bins selling for R740/kg. The highest overall bin price for the auction was achieved by an OVK bin bale which sold for R782/kg. The producers in the lot were: LPG Reynolds, Rietfontein Reds Pty Ltd, AJ de Jager and New Years Drift Enterprises Pty Ltd. The good quality producer bales offered by OVK achieved their own highlights with a kid mohair bale from DH Schoeman from De Rust which sold for R749.50/kg. This was followed by WC Strydom from Willowmore who sold a bale of kid mohair for R760/kg. The highest price at the overall auction was achieved by WC Strydom from Willowmore with an outstanding kid bale BSFFK of 23 microns with good length, style and character which sold for R800.30/kg and the buyer was VBC. OVK would like to thank our producers for the good quality offering at the auction and appreciate their loyal support. TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE MORE!



The third auction of the 2023 Summer Mohair season will take place on 20 March 2023 and mohair should trade at the same levels. So reports Gerrit van Heerden, Mohair Manager. 082 854 8604.

OVK offer advances on fibre delivered in PE, as well as production loans. Please contact OVK Fibre’s office in Port Elizabeth or your Technical Field Officer for more information. Please enquire about OVK’s exciting new commission structure on fibre marketed by OVK. Producers must also bear in mind that OVK’s loyalty scheme awards farmers 32 cents per kilogram on fibre marketed by OVK.

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