geplaas op Wo., 15 Feb. 2023

Die Somer Sybokhaar seisoen van 2023 het op 'n hoê noot af geskop!


Die eerste sybokhaar veiling van die 2023 Somer seisoen het op 14 Februarie in Port Elizabeth plaasgevind. Daar was 83 070 kg aangebied waarvan 99% verkoop het. Alhoewel die aanbod op die eerste veiling altyd gemeng is en wissel in lengte, het die kopers aktief meegeding vir die kleiner hoeveel sybokhaar op aanbod. Die goeie kompetisie vir sybokhaar tussen die kopershuise het gelei tot 'n 10% styging in die gemiddelde markaanwyser in vergelyking met die laaste winter veiling van 2022 om te sluit op R365.10/kg. Kleinbokkies styg met 6% en jongbokke styg met 12%. Fyn-en sterk grootbokhaar styg met 15%. Hoogste prys op die algehele veiling is behaal deur 'n OVK bin. Die baal was 'n CSFFK van 26 mikron met goeie styl en karakter wat verkoop het vir R710/kg en die koper was VBC. Die produsente in hierdie uitsonderlike baal was: Rietfontein Reds Pty Ltd, OD Hugo, Kroomkrantz Trust, PK Steynberg en Rynheath Trust. Die hoogste produsente prys vir die dag op die veiling is behaal deur Du Preezkraal Trust van Willowmore, vir 'n baal CSFK van 26.5 mikron met goeie styl en karakter wat verkoop het vir R690.10/kg en die koper was Stucken & Co. Ons wil graag ons produsente gelukwens met hul goeie pryse asook elke produsent wat vandag bokhaar verkoop het. Die OVK bokhaarspan is bly oor die postitiewe styging in die mark en is opgewonde vir die seisoen wat voorlê. Ons is trots op ons produsente en waardeer hul lojale ondersteuning. SAAM BEREIK ONS MEER!


Die tweede veiling van die 2023 Somer seisoen vind plaas op die 7de Maart. Daar word 'n groter aanbieding verwag en 'n beter indikasie van pryse kan geskep word. Op hierdie stadium lyk die vooruitsigte vir die 2023 Somer seisoen positief. So berig Gerrit van Heerden, Sybokhaarbestuurder. 082 854 8604.

OVK bied voorskotte op vesel wat by ons gelewer word, asook produksielenings.  Skakel gerus die OVK Veselkantoor in Port Elizabeth of u Tegniese Veldbeampte vir meer inligting. Vind ook meer uit oor die opwindende nuwe kommissiestruktuur op vesel bemark deur OVK. Produsente word ook herinner aan die lojaliteitskema van OVK, waar boere beloon word met 32 sent vir elke kilogram vesel wat deur OVK bemark word.



The first mohair auction of the 2023 Summer season took place on 14 February in Port Elizabeth. There were 83 070 kg on offer of which 99% was sold. Although the offer on the first auction is usually mixed and varied in length, the buyers actively competed for the smaller amount of mohair on offer. The good competition for mohair between the buyers' houses led to a 10% increase in the average market indicator compared to the last winter auction of 2022 to close at R365.10/kg. Kid mohair increased by 6% and young goats increased by 12%. Fine and strong adult mohair increases by 15%. Highest price in the overall auction was achieved by an OVK bin. The bale was a 26-micron CSFFK with good style and character that sold for R710/kg and the buyer was VBC. The producers in this exceptional bale were: Rietfontein Reds Pty Ltd, OD Hugo, Kroomkrantz Trust, PK Steynberg and Rynheath Trust. The highest producer price for the day at the auction was achieved by Du Preezkraal Trust from Willowmore, for a 26.5-micron bale CSFK with good style and character which sold for R690.10/kg and the buyer was Stucken & Co. We would like to congratulate our producers on their good prices as well as every producer who sold mohair today. The OVK mohair team is pleased about the positive rise in the market and is excited for the season ahead. We are proud of our producers and appreciate their loyal support. TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE MORE!


The second auction of the 2023 Summer season will take place on the 7th of March. A larger offering is expected and a better indication of prices can be formed. At this stage the outlook for the 2023 Summer season looks positive. So reports Gerrit van Heerden, Mohair Manager. 082 854 8604.

OVK offer advances on fibre delivered in PE, as well as production loans. Please contact OVK Fibre’s office in Port Elizabeth or your Technical Field Officer for more information. Please enquire about OVK’s exciting new commission structure on fibre marketed by OVK. Producers must also bear in mind that OVK’s loyalty scheme awards farmers 32 cents per kilogram on fibre marketed by OVK.

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