geplaas op Vr., 27 Mei 2022

'n Hoogtepunt vir die Somer Sybokhaar Seisoen!!


Die sesde veiling van die 2022 Somerseisoen het vandag 24 Mei 2022 in Port Elizabeth plaas gevind. Die verkoop persentasie was 85%. Die aanbod het uit uitstekende individuele skeersels bestaan wat gelei het tot goeie kompetisie tussen die kopershuise. Die aanbod het bestaan uit 71% RMS-gesertifiseerde sybokhaar. Die SA geldeenheid het sterker vertoon in vergelyking met die vorige veiling en dit het negatiewe effek op sterker segment van die mark gehad. Kleinbokkiehaar en jongbokhaar styg 2% met fyn grootbokhaar wat onveranderd was. Sterk grootbokhaar daal met 5%. Die Nasionale Markaanwyser het met 1% gestyg en gesluit op R413.87/kg. OVK gemiddeld op die veiling was hoër as die Nasionale Markaanwyser en sluit op R436.68/kg. OVK bins met hul uitsonderlike hoë standaard, het baie goed presteer en verkoop ‘n baal CSFFK vir R748.50/kg. Dit was die hoogste bin prys vir die dag op die veiling. Die volgende produsente in die bin lot was: FJ Venter, MS Shires en JL Moolman. FEC Farming, ‘n OVK produsent het ongetwyfeld gesorg vir die hoogtepunt van die dag! Die top baal BSFFK van 24 mikron met ‘n super styl, het vir ‘n uitmuntende somerseisoen prys van R910/kg verkoop. Dit was ook die hoogste prys vir die dag en die koper was Stucken en Co. FEC Farming het die hoogste veilings gemiddeld van R533.94/kg behaal, vir ‘n bo-gemiddelde volledige skeersel. OVK bedank elke produsent vir hul lojale ondersteuning en vertroue. OVK se produsente is vir ons belangrik en word opreg waardeer.  Saam bereik ons meer.


Die sewende en laaste sybokhaar veiling van die somerseisoen vind plaas die 7de Junie 2022. Saad-tipes is nog steeds onderdruk en daar kan druk wees op grootbokhaar as gevolg van die onsekerheid in die buiteland. So berig Gerrit van Heerden, Sybokhaarbestuurder. 082 854 8604.

OVK bied voorskotte op vesel wat by ons gelewer word, asook produksielenings.  Skakel gerus die OVK Veselkantoor in Port Elizabeth of u Tegniese Veldbeampte vir meer inligting. Vind ook meer uit oor die opwindende nuwe kommissiestruktuur op vesel bemark deur OVK. Produsente word ook herinner aan die lojaliteitskema van OVK, waar boere beloon word met 32 sent vir elke kilogram vesel wat deur OVK bemark word.



The sixth auction of the 2022 Summer Season took place today, 24 May 2022 in Port Elizabeth. The sales percentage was 85%. The supply consisted of excellent individual mohair clips which led to good competition between the buyer houses. The offer consisted of 71% RMS-certified mohair. The SA currency performed stronger compared to the previous auction and this had a negative effect on a stronger segment of the market. Kid mohair and young goat mohair increased 2% with fine adult mohair that was unchanged. Strong adult mohair decreases by 5%. The National Market Indicator increased by 1% and closed at R413.87/kg. OVK’s average at the auction was higher than the National Market Indicator and closed at R436.68/kg. OVK bins with their exceptionally high standard, performed very well and a bale CSFFK sold for R748.50/kg. This was the highest bin price for the day at auction. The following producers in the bin were: FJ Venter, MS Shires and JL Moolman. FEC Farming, a OVK producer undoubtedly provided the highlight of the day! The top bale BSFFK of 24 microns with a super style, sold for an excellent summer season price of R910/kg. It was also the highest price for the day and the buyer was Stucken and Co. FEC Farming achieved the highest auction average of R533.94/kg, for an above average complete clip. OVK want to thank every producer for their loyal support and trust. OVK's producers are important to us and are sincerely appreciated. Together we achieve more.


The seventh and final mohair auction of the summer season will take place on 7th June 2022. Seed types are still suppressed and there may be pressure on adult mohair due to the uncertainty abroad. So reportde Gerrit van Heerden, Mohair Manager. 082 854 8604.

OVK offer advances on fibre delivered in PE, as well as production loans. Please contact OVK Fibre’s office in Port Elizabeth or your Technical Field Officer for more information. Please enquire about OVK’s exciting new commission structure on fibre marketed by OVK. Producers must also bear in mind that OVK’s loyalty scheme awards farmers 32 cents per kilogram on fibre marketed by OVK.

Deel met vriende    

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