geplaas op Wo., 03 Feb. 2021

Cape Wools Merino aanwyser daal met 4.2% en 95.5% van die aanbieding is verkoop / Cape Wools Merino indicator increases by 4.2% and 95.5% of the offering was sold


Die 20ste wolveiling van die 2020/21 seisoen, het hierdie week, op 3 Februarie plaasgevind. Die Cape Wools Merino aanwyser het met 4.2% gedaal teenoor die vorige veiling en teen 'n skoonprys van R162.54/kg gesluit. Die Australiese EMI het met 0.5% verswak teenoor die vorige veiling. Die Rand het, ooreenstemmend dieselfde tyd van die vorige veiling, 0.6% sterker verhandel teen die VSA Dollar en 2.3% versterk teen die Euro. Die grootste daling van 7.4%, was in die 22 mikron segment. G.Modiano SA  het op hierdie veiling die grootste hoeveelheid bale gekoop, gevolg deur Lempriere SA,  Standard Wool SA en Tianyu SA. Daar is in totaal 12 816 bale aangebied, waarvan 95.5% verkoop is.

Op die OVK veiling is 3 429 bale aangebied waarvan 94.2% verkoop is. Die hoogste prys op die OVK veiling, van R183.40/kg, is behaal vir ‘n 1 baal lot CL van 16.6 mikron, uit die skeersel van FBC Viljoen Boerdery, Swellendam. Die koper was Standard Wool SA. Baie geluk met hierdie prestasie!


Vooruitsigte vir die volgende week, is dat die Rand teen die vernaamste geldeenhede mag versterk. Met die gesamentlike effek van die Chinese Nuwejaarsvieringe op hande, is die verwagting dat die wolmark mag sywaarts beweeg. Fynwol bly in sterk aanvraag en daarom is die verwagting dat negatiewe beweging minimaal op hierdie tipes wol blyk te wees. Wol ontvang in die makelaars se store hierdie week, is 0.2% laer vergeleke die ooreenstemmende tyd van die vorige seisoen.

Volhoubaar gesertifiseerde (RWS), goeie kwaliteit Merinowol, het weereens goeie aandag geniet op die veiling en gesorg vir gesonde kompetisie tussen kopers. Sertifisering bly 'n belangrike aspek en is 'n toekomsneiging wat gekom het om te bly. Skakel gerus met OVK om u by te staan in die sertifiseringsproses. Die volgende wolveiling is geskeduleer vir 10 Februarie 2021, waar sowat 7 127 bale aangebied sal word.

OVK bied voorskotte op vesel wat by ons gelewer word, asook produksielenings. Skakel gerus die OVK Veselkantoor in Port Elizabeth of u Tegniese Veldbeampte vir meer inligting. Vind ook meer uit oor die opwindende nuwe kommissiestruktuur op vesel bemark deur OVK. Produsente word ook herinner aan die lojaliteitskema van OVK, waar boere beloon word met 23.9 sent vir elke kilogram vesel wat deur OVK bemark word.


The 20th wool auction of the 2020/21 season, took place this week on 3 February. The Cape Wools Merino indicator traded 4.2% lower, compared to the previous sale and closed at a clean price of R162.54/kg. The Australian EMI also decreased by 0.5%, compared to the previous sale. Compared to the rate of the previous sale, the Rand traded 1.6% stronger against the US Dollar and 2.3% stronger to the Euro. The largest decrease this week, of 7.4%, was in the 22 micron segment.  G.Modiano SA was the major buyer on the auction this week, followed by  Lempriere SA, Standard Wool SA and Tianyu SA. A total of 12 816 bales were on offered, of which 95.5% was sold.

On the OVK auction 3 429 bales were offered, of which 94.2% was sold. The highest price on the OVK auction, of R183.40/kg, was achieved for a 1 bale lot CL of 16.6 microns, from the clip of the FBC Viljoen Boerdery, Swellendam. The buyer was Standard Wool SA. Congratulations on this achievement! 


Expectations for next week, is that the Rand might continue strengthening against the most influential currencies. Along with the effect of the Chinese New Year celebrations on hand, we suspect to see a sideways movement in the wool market. Fine wool is still in high demand and therefore the expectation of negative movement promises a minimal effect on these wool types.  The receival of wool in the brokers’ stores this week is 0.2% lower compared to the same time of the previous season.

Sustainable certified (RWS) good quality Merino wool, again enjoyed good attention on the auction and saw healthy competition amongst buyers. Certification is continuing to be an important aspect and is a future trend that came to stay. We invite farmers to contact OVK for assistance in the certification process. The next wool auction is scheduled for 10 February 2021, where roughly 7 127 bales will be on offer.

OVK offer advances on fibre delivered in PE, as well as production loans. Please contact OVK Fibre’s office in Port Elizabeth or your Technical Field Officer for more information. Please enquire about OVK’s exciting new commission structure on fibre marketed by OVK. Producers must also bear in mind that OVK’s loyalty scheme awards farmers 23.9 cents per kilogram on fibre marketed by OVK.

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