geplaas op Do., 03 Mrt. 2022

OVK het 'n briljante tweede Sybokhaar veiling gehad!! / OVK had an amazing second mohair auction!!


Die tweede Sybokhaarveiling van die Somerseisoen het vandag op 1 Maart 2022 plaasgevind. Daar was goeie kompetisie tussen kopershuise tydens die veilling. 97% van die totale aanbieding van 99 067 kg bokhaar is verkoop. ‘n Totaal van 76% was RMS gesertifiseerde sybokhaar met die gevolg dat ‘n hoë premie betaal is. Met die verswakking van die Rand en die goeie aanvraag, het die mark met 4% gestyg. Kleinbokkiehaar styg met 5%, jongbokke styg met 3%, fyn grootbokke styg met 3% en die sterk grootbokke styg met ‘n goeie 10%. OVK se veilingsgemiddeld was R483.19/kg, wat aansienlik hoër is as die Nasionale markaanwyser van R432,73. Die hoogste OVK Bin prys was R740.10/kg. Die produsente in hierdie bin lot was JC van Straaten, The Holvlakte Joint Venture, Snelling Farms en Henderson Hills. OVK is die enigste makelaar op die dag wat drie (3) produsent lotte bo R800/kg verkoop het. SP Steynberg Familie Trust se jongbokke is as winterkleinbokkies verkoop. Hierdie baal is BSFK gemerk en het 26.2 mikron getoets en behaal ‘n prys van R801/kg. DH Schoeman se baal BSFFK van 23 mikron, is verkoop vir R803/kg en sy superstyl BSFK van 27.2 mikron, is verkoop vir ‘n merkwaardige R831/kg. Die koper was New England Wool SA. OVK wil graag al ons produsente bedank vir 'n ongelooflike veiling en ons is dankbaar vir julle getroue ondersteun. Saam bereik ons meer!


Met die groter volume bokhaar wat op die derde veiling aangebied word, kan daar weerstand ontstaan teen sekere tipes bokhaar. Die derde veiling van die Somer Sybokhaarseisoen vind plaas die 22ste Maart 2022. So berig Gerrit van Heerden, Sybokhaarbestuurder. 082 854 8604

OVK bied voorskotte op vesel wat by ons gelewer word, asook produksielenings.  Skakel gerus die OVK Veselkantoor in Port Elizabeth of u Tegniese Veldbeampte vir meer inligting. Vind ook meer uit oor die opwindende nuwe kommissiestruktuur op vesel bemark deur OVK. Produsente word ook herinner aan die lojaliteitskema van OVK, waar boere beloon word met 23.9 sent vir elke kilogram vesel wat deur OVK bemark word.



The second mohair auction of the Summer Season took place today, the 1st of March 2022. There was good competition between buyer houses during the auction. 97% ot the total offer of 99,067 kg of mohair were sold. A total of 76% was RMS certified mohair and this ensured a good premium. A weaker Rand combined with a strong demand, created a market increase of 4%.. Kids increased by 5%, young goats by 3%, fine adults by 3% and strong adults by a good 10%. OVK's auction average for the day was R483.19/kg, which was higher than the National Market Indicator of R432.73/kg. The highest OVK Bin price was R740.10/kg. The producers in this bin lot were JC van Straaten, The Holvlakte Joint Venture, Snelling Farms and Henderson Hills. OVK is the only broker on the day that sold three (3) producer lots above R800/kg. The young goat hair of SP Steynberg Family Trust were sold as winterkids. This bale was marked BSFK, tested 26.2 microns and achieved R801/kg. DH Schoeman's bale BSFFK of 23 microns was sold for R803/kg and his super style BSFK of 27.2 microns was sold for a remarkable R831/kg. The buyer was New England Wool SA. OVK would like to thank our producers for an incredible auction and we are thankful for your loyal support. Together we achieve more!



With the larger volume of mohair offered on the third auction, there may be resistance to certain types of mohair. The third auction of the Summer Mohair season will take place on 22nd of March 2022. So reported by Gerrit van Heerden, Mohair Manager. 082 854 8604

OVK offer advances on fibre delivered in PE, as well as production loans. Please contact OVK Fibre’s office in Port Elizabeth or your Technical Field Officer for more information. Please enquire about OVK’s exciting new commission structure on fibre marketed by OVK. Producers must also bear in mind that OVK’s loyalty scheme awards farmers 23.9 cents per kilogram on fibre marketed by OVK.

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